Yulia Chudinova: ─ It is possible, there are several reasons for this.
Firstly, complex equipment is often used in industry, many units, their structure, the relative position of elements, and the connections between them can be hidden and not available for study.
The 3D Atlas uses high-quality 3D models, with a high degree of detail, and meticulous, to provide an understanding of the location of elements, and their appearance.
It is possible to examine in detail each item of equipment in 3D and study its description, and purpose.
Secondly, there are usually 20 students in a group, so even if you study the structure of equipment at a real site, students may not see, and do not have the opportunity to study everything in detail, and disassemble the equipment meticulously.
3D Atlas, on the other hand, provides an individual learning path, and also allows you to simultaneously conduct training with many people.
A student can choose a particular piece of equipment, study it in detail, and test his or her knowledge.
Thirdly, to understand the elements (name, location, appearance), a teacher is required, since it is simply impossible to independently understand where which element is, what it is called, and what it is needed for.
3D Atlas is easy to use, which provides the possibility of self-study without a teacher. The teacher has only to put a grade based on test results obtained in the 3D Atlas.
The visibility, interactivity, and high quality of the 3D Atlas content gives a high degree of involvement in the educational process.
Finally, if the equipment is expensive, it needs to be maintained, and not every professional educational organization is ready to provide them with an educational process.
"Material visualization meets the needs of students, so such systems are needed in today's curriculum."
"We use 3D Atlas from start to finish, as all Atlas equipment fits our program."
"Such systems are very effective in terms of the quality of education."
"We had videos, e-tutorials, but there were no 3D models."
"Students independently study the equipment, its main elements, and then they are tested."
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