"People of the fiery profession" —
career guidance with SIKE simulators
at Novotroitsk Polytechnic College

As part of career guidance work at the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Novotroitsk Polytechnic College", an exciting educational event called "People of the Fiery Profession" was held. The meeting was organized by the professional cycle teacher Yulia Andreevna Andryushchenko.

The event took place in the modern laboratories "Automation of technological processes" and "Technology of production of ferrous metals", equipped with training complexes from the SIKE company and was intended for 9th-grade students.
The main goal of this event was to introduce teenagers to the variety of professions and specialties presented in our college and develop their interest in the exciting profession of metallurgist. Participation in the event gave the children an opportunity to realize the importance of vocational education in their lives.
During the event, schoolchildren had a unique opportunity to try themselves as steelmakers, virtually smelting steel of a given quality using a hardware and software training complex. This allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of steelmaking and achieve impressive results. In addition, they became acquainted with the history and current state of heavy industry and learned about various branches of steel production technology.

Particular attention was paid to identifying such qualities as creativity, persistence, and analytical thinking — important aspects necessary for any specialist in the field of metallurgy. As a result, metallurgy not only interested the children but also touched their hearts, opening up new horizons for their future choice of profession.

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