SIKE PRO for training students
within the framework
of the "Professionalism" Federal Project

The federal project "Professionalism" is part of the overall development program of Russia until 2030 and is one of 42 initiatives proposed by President Vladimir Putin. This project focuses on the involvement of business in the partnership management of educational organizations, focusing training on practical skills and training specialists in in-demand professions in a short time.

One of the main goals of the project is to reduce the gap between vocational education and the requirements of the modern labor market.
  • 23 industries
    nuclear industry, water transport, mining industry, railway transport, forestry industry, mechanical engineering, aircraft and shipbuilding, metallurgy, agriculture, construction industry, chemical industry, etc
  • 295 000 students
    Russian college students entered the "Professionalism" clusters in the 2023-2024 academic year
  • 79 regions of the Russian Federation
    participate in the project.
    More than 800 colleges and over 900 employer organizations are united into clusters
  • 350 clusters
    of educational and production centers of the project, which represent the integration of colleges and organizations of the real sector of the economy
  • 21 clusters
    are staffed with the participation of the
    SIKE company
  • 986 enterprises
    co-finance the project and/or act as potential employers for project participants
SIKE training complexes have been actively used
since 2022 to train students within the framework of the "Professionalism" federal project.
The SIKE company helped staff 21 clusters in metallurgy, mining, hydraulics, equipment repair, mechanical engineering, etc.

SIKE PRO is a digital library of ready-made training solutions for working professions that allows colleges, universities, and enterprises to solve the problems of complex training of personnel for solving real production tasks.

Hardware and software training complexes, VR simulators, and SIKE simulators are used for the training and practice of students, and career guidance of schoolchildren.

SIKE PRO digital solutions make it possible to effectively and safely train students in the following professions: slinger, electrician, machine operator, welder, repairman, steelmaker, metal rolling machine operator, mill operator, blast furnace specialist, steel caster at CCM, etc.