SIKE's VR simulators and hardware and software training complexes:
career guidance for schoolchildren
at Vyksa Metallurgical College

As part of early career guidance and the implementation of the regional program "Professionalism", teachers and students of the Vyksa Metallurgical College named after A.A. Kozeradsky conducted a tour of the metallurgical cluster for schoolchildren.
The tour featured SIKE's VR simulators and hardware and software training complexes for metallurgy. The children were shown master classes and introduced to college professions. This is a wonderful initiative that will help schoolchildren choose their future more consciously and understand what prospects can open in the field of metallurgy. VR simulators and hardware and software training complexes are excellent tools that allow schoolchildren to more clearly imagine themselves as future metallurgical specialists. Masterclasses and introduction to college professions will help students better understand the specifics of work in this field and make an informed decision about choosing a professional path.

The photo shows the training complexes and VR simulators of the SIKE company for the training of specialists in metallurgical specialties.

Source: VKontakte group

Check out SIKE's training complexes
and VR simulators