VR simulators as a tool to improve the quality of training

  • Author of the article:
    Head of educational and methodological department
    Turbina Elena Dmitrievna
    State Autonomous Educational Institution of Professional Education
    "Tyumen College of Transport Technologies and Service"
The question of the effectiveness of using certain technologies, methods, and techniques of teaching always remains relevant and is associated with solving several problems.
  • 1
    First task:
    a clear understanding of specific learning outcomes.
  • 2
    Second task:
    availability of qualified teaching staff motivated for innovative professional activity
  • 3
    Third task:
    compliance of the existing material and technical base of the educational organization with the methodological requests of teachers
The first task is solved quite simply, since there are federal and state educational standards that clearly formulate the requirements for learning outcomes, and there are communities of employers that detail requests for professional competencies of graduates, considering industry specifics.

The second task has also been solved in our educational organization.
"Tyumen College of Transport Technologies and Service" pursues a competent personnel policy and attracts experienced specialists from base enterprises as teachers, raising professionals from its graduates. Developed by teachers and masters of industrial training, working programs of professional modules and practices are coordinated with employers and meet all the requirements of the modern labor market.

The third task is the most difficult to implement. Updating the material and technical base in a budget educational organization is a matter of searching for funding sources, interesting technical and didactic ideas of teachers, and competent performers capable of producing the necessary equipment or program.
Participation in the national project "Education" helped us find funding sources. Within the framework of the Project on ensuring compliance of the material and technical base of the professional educational organization implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education with modern requirements, the college received a grant in 2021. Using the grant made it possible to implement the idea of purchasing virtual reality simulators "Design and repair of electric vehicles" and "Design and repair of locomotive rolling stock."

The choice of virtual reality helmets with specialized software as a teaching tool was caused by several reasons:
  • the need to take into account the criteria for the effectiveness of teaching students with clip perception of information who have good skills in working in the virtual space;
  • the impossibility of carrying out repair work on a real electric vehicle, because this requires a third group of electrical safety clearance, the students entering the training are minors and the corresponding certification cannot be carried out;
  • the difficulty of carrying out locomotive repair work in laboratory conditions due to the large dimensions of the rolling stock.

    The tender for the development of simulator software was won by OOO "Korporativnye sistemy plyus" (SIKE brand).
    It is very valuable that the software was developed by the company's specialists to solve specific educational tasks of teachers and corresponds to the working programs of professional modules. Teachers were consultants to the developers and provided the necessary technical documentation. The result of the work of the specialists of SIKE met all our expectations. This is a reliable team of high-level professionals. In the face of the company, we have acquired reliable partners and like-minded people who continue to provide consulting support for the created virtual reality simulators.
    The new equipment was introduced into the educational process on September 1, 2021. We can already draw some conclusions.
    Our benefits of using virtual reality simulators:
    • We actively use effective forms of training in the following areas:
      • Master of repair and maintenance of vehicles and specialties
      • Maintenance and repair of engines, systems, and assemblies of automobiles,
      • Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation (by types of transport, except for water transport),
      • Technical operation of railroad rolling stock,
      • Locomotive operator
        • The cognitive activity of students has increased;
        • Every year we carry out effective work within the framework of the all-Russian career guidance project "Ticket to the Future" using new equipment capabilities;
        • We share our experience, demonstrate the practice of using virtual reality simulators in advanced training courses for teaching staff in the Tyumen region;
        • We participate in all-Russian educational forums, broadcast innovative work experience, and increase the prestige of the educational organization.
          • In 2021 a team of teachers participated in the XV International Congress "Young Professionals. Human resources potential of the economy" (Moscow).
          • In 2022, the interregional festival of student business ideas "Golden Bag-2022" (Tyumen), 2022, 2023 – regional career fair (Tyumen).
          You can purchase an online course, simulator, or set of systems for the required specialty or profession. Access to courses will be provided at a time convenient for you.