1. Deep research Longreads are useful when you need to present detailed research, especially in an academic, scientific, or professional field. They allow you to explore a topic in all its aspects, providing a platform for the presentation and analysis of a large amount of information.
2. Difficult or controversial topics Longreads are suitable for analyzing complex or controversial topics where you need to present both sides of the argument and achieve a complete understanding of the problem. They provide insight, context, and informed analysis.
3. Narrative reporting Longreads are well suited for storytelling or narrative reporting, where it is important to provide details, create an emotional connection with readers, and keep their attention throughout the text.
4. Interviews or profiles Longreads can also be effective for interviews or profiles where you want to present a life path, opinions, and experiences of a particular person. This allows you to create a deeper understanding of an individual and their history.