6 main directions of education digitalization

The education digitalization will continue to gain momentum in the coming years. This is a very interesting process showing how our generations will be educated tomorrow. Let's analyze the market together and make assumptions about the further progress of education digitalization, highlight priority areas and current solutions that are offered today.
  • 1. Online platforms
Educational institutions are continuing the transition to digital learning platforms.

The digital platform provides access to learning materials and resources to all students, regardless of location or financial capabilities.

In 2023, a digital library of ready-made training solutions for comprehensive training of students and employees in working specialties SIKE PRO was launched based on the online platform.
  • 2. Hybrid learning
Transition to a hybrid learning model: combining traditional teaching methods with the use of digital technologies.

The hybrid model will allow students to gain knowledge both in the classroom and online. Example: a lesson takes place in an equipped classroom, in which some of the students are present, while the other part is connected to the online broadcast at the same time and can interact with a teacher or classmates remotely.
  • 3. Expansion of subject areas
Modern professions (especially those related to IT) have entire disciplines that change (update) their information by more than 80% every year. Therefore, new courses and specialties will continue to be created following the requirements and needs of the labor market: in the fields of information technology, engineering, ecology, and design.
  • 4. Emphasis on technical skills (skill development)
The ability to work in a team, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and self-organization are important skills that educational institutions will develop through practical activities, project work, and collaboration with real companies.
  • 5. Personalization of education
Curriculums will continue to be tailored to individual student needs based on interests, abilities, and backgrounds. The key to this direction is introductory testing, which evaluates students and selects a training program according to their needs.
  • 6. Integration of virtual reality (VR) into the educational process
With VR technology, students can be immersed in an interactive learning environment, allowing them to gain skills and hands-on experience without setting foot on an actual job site. This direction has become especially relevant in the training of specialists whose work involves danger to life. Today, with the help of VR, a student can try on the roles of a slinger, welder, crane operator, metallurgist, and other dangerous professions.

The high pace of development of gaming technologies will also lead to the development of VR in education.
From the digitalization of education, we expect interactivity, flexibility, and a focus on skills development that will increase accessibility and quality of education for all!